SFDO is one of the
primary value chain initiatives
for creating and promoting
food destinations.
Together we create sustainable solutions
Bridging our strengths with our needs, we implement sustainable innovative solutions to achieve social, economic, and ecological wellbeing in destinations.
We empower our members, catalyse change and drive sustainable practices in food production, tourism and local residents' lives.

Our Vision
Sustainable, thriving and resilient destinations that support local communities, protect earth’s resources, the right to travel, human rights and animal welfare.
Our Mission
To accelerate the widespread adoption of sustainable food production practices; to harness the collaborative power of our members; and to create sustainable food destinations.
We have a diverse and inclusive membership across the food production, food consumption and tourism sectors.
Working in cooperation, our members are advancing sustainable food destination practices through pre-competitive collaboration. Our active members are companies from the food, drink and tourism industry, including farmer cooperatives, food manufacturers, processors, retailers, traders, restaurants, catering units, hotels, hotel groups, tour operators and more...

Partners are likeminded organisations we work with on specific issues & projects.
Our partners include organisations around the world working in a similar area to us. We collaborate and share knowledge without competing.
See how SFDO has been formed as one of the most innovative organisations dedicated to create sustainable food destinations.
SFDO's governing body is the members' General Assembly.
SFDO's Board of Directors is appointed by the General Assembly.
The Board & members select the Advisory Council.
The Board appoints Domain Leaders and Working Groups that operate as Living Labs.
The Core Team is also assigned by the Board to enable SFDO work to be realized.
Explore our people…
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Working Groups
Core Team
Our management and conduct are governed by specific statutes and by-laws and all our activities comply with rules and regulations for non-profit entities.
Explore our documents…

Name, Seat & Objectives

Means & Actions


Finances & Resources

Administration & General Assembly